Instructional Rounds

Instructional Rounds is not a separate professional learning program but rather teams of teachers learn the protocols of Instructional Rounds to build a collaborative cycle of inquiry.

The Rounds process used by SCHMIC is based on Instructional Rounds developed by the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Informed by the research of John Hattie, we know anything over the hinge point of 0.4 has a significant impact on student learning. This process leverages improvement in Collective Teacher Efficacy (1.57) Estimating Student Achievement (1.29) and Clarity (0.75).

SCHMIC has been working with schools in this professional practice for over ten years.

Who: Teams of Teachers

This suite of courses involves 25 hours of professional learning delivered over 1 year and addressing standards 2.1.2, 5.1.2, 5.4.2, 6.2.2, 6.3.2 and 7.4.2.

Instructional Rounds supports teams to:
•  Further develop research knowledge
•  Test evidence-informed classroom strategies
•  Regularly assess their impact
•  Build collective teacher efficacy

Contact us to discuss a model for your school. Variables include participant numbers, location and structure of program.